Listen & Play Along Bebop Lick 9 – Dizzy Gillespie Lick 8 starts with a Dm (add 9) run, before it goes to the G altered scale in the second bar. Listen & Play Along Bebop Lick 8 – ii V I in C Major This bebop lick starts with a simple Dorian mode run and continues with a phrase around the notes of Abm (add 9). Listen & Play Along Bebop Lick 7 – ii V I in C Major Playing a diminished arpeggio that is 1 half note higher than the root of the dominant chord is a popular choice in bebop. Like the previous example, this lick is based around an Abdim arpeggio. Listen & Play Along Bebop Lick 6 – ii V I in C Major This lick is formed around an Ab diminished pattern. Listen & Play Along Bebop Lick 5 – ii V I in C Major Instead of the Abm (add 9) arpeggio, this lick uses a Dbmaj7 arpeggio in the second bar, which results in a Gsus4 altered sound. This first variation uses an Abm (add 9) arpeggio in the second bar. The next 2 jazz guitar licks start with a simple Dm7 arpeggio pattern that is typical for bebop. Listen & Play Along Bebop Lick 3 – ii V I in C Major This is the same minorization concept we saw earlier. This jazz guitar licks starts on the D melodic minor scale, and continues with a Dm7 arpeggio on the G7. Listen & Play Along Bebop Lick 2 – ii V I in C Major In this last variation, the dominant phrase is formed around a G7(b13) chord shape. This is called minorization, a concept frequently used by Charlie Parker, Pat Martino, and Wes Montgomery. Not playing the V (G7), but staying on the ii (Dm7) is something that occurs often in bebop. Here, the second bar starts with a chromatic run, followed by a Dm7 arpeggio. This is a common bebop substitution for dominant chords. In the second variation, notes of Abm (add 9) are used over G7. This first variation uses chromatic approach notes that target the 5 and 3 of G7. This gives you some examples of what you can play over the dominant chord in a ii V I. The following 4 licks start with the same minor bebop pattern, with variations on the G7 in the second bar. Because of its popularity, it’s important that you are able to navigate these changes well. The 2-5-1 chord progression is the most popular progression in bebop and jazz in general.
While many guitarists fall in love with the bebop sound, learning how to play in the bebop style can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Players such as Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Clifford Brown, Bud Powell, and others brought fresh levels of excitement to their extended solos, ushering in a new era of jazz improvisation. Sound to those chords, adding bebop scale tension and.Īlthough the bebop era lasted less than a decade, it has had a lasting influence on subsequent generations of jazz improvisers. The purpose of these studies being to hear, play and understand the main jazz-blues changes by using different chord voicings as drop 2, drop, 3, rootless.
This PDF method contains 11 guitar lessons with chords, tabs, standard notation, analysis & audio files about the main blues progressions used in jazz music.Though are mostly used in jazz to outline chords, swing and bebop era players often used the 1.