Megaman sprite game sugarman
Megaman sprite game sugarman

Splash Woman doesn't stop her movement after being hit by Centaur Flash. The player can be pushed by Fan when sticking next to it on the right. The player may enter the Fan when on the edge of it. The player may be crushed while moving between two Push Blocks on Crash Lift. The player can't die to spikes after a neutral jump while affected by wind. The player slightly sinks into a Push Block on a Crash Lift. The player may be able to walk through a 1-tile gap. Soccer Ball Jet gets stuck when you stack many and the lowest one is spiked. Tango cannot spawn on player-made Super Arm Blocks when standing on them. Shade Man's intro animation plays too quickly. Spiked Jet Soccer Ball's damage collision will return to its starting position if it falls off screen. Sliding under a horizontal Key Door with a Fan pushing you up may clip the player under the floor. Sliding under a horizontal Key Door with Tornado Hold under it may crash the game. If a Yoku Block is placed under another Yoku Block, it may kill the player when spawned inside of then, even if the other Yoku Block is not yet active. When riding a Falling Platform to the ground, the player may not be able to slide until they jump. If the player kills a Brown and dies at the same time, the game may crash. Fans pushing the player down do not work when the player is standing on a jumpthrough platform. Crash Lift is no longer able to carry a Push Block on the ground. Push Blocks moved by a jumpthrough moving platform may pass through enemies without pushing them. Fuse Laser Crawlers may not appear if they are spawned at the edge of the screen. Letting go of Mirror Buster from Command Selection while sliding as Roll can get you stuck. Beat does not despawn on screen transitions, creating various exploits. Fire Wall does not kill bosses properly during their intro animation. Item-2 is able to push enemies and certain objects other than Push Block, Soccer Ball and placed Super Arm Blocks. When adding a new favorite but not choosing an asset, the game may crash upon selecting the empty favorite on the Favorite Wheel. After being affected by a Fire Wall Modifier, a Fire Wall still plays its sound effect after it moves outside the section. Fire Wall Modifier's neutral position can change the way the Fire Wall moves in certain cases. When climbing a ladder to the top, the player can be teleported above a jumpthrough platform that is one tile above the ladder. Enemies and bosses are sometimes not able to jump off jumpthrough moving platforms. Battan may be blocked by a moving platform it's carrying when jumping. If a Battan is carrying another moving platform, it may disappear upon hitting a Spring. Napalm Bomb can be shot to the other side of a tile. Super Arrow can be shot to the other side of a tile. The player may get stuck on the top of the screen when climbing a ladder that is one tile away from the border of the section. The player may not be able to climb down a ladder when next to another ladder. The player can stick to a ceiling if a Bouncy Ball is placed next to it. Battan's collision with other moving platforms and others Battans has been slightly improved. When the player is moved or pushed into a Fuse Rail, they don't get hit. The player can get softlocked in the example level Wily Airlines - Disaster Transport. Moving a carryable moving platform (Push Block, Soccer Ball, or Battan) with Item-3, lets that moving platform carry non-carryable moving platforms. Astro Man, Grenade Man, Blast Man and Bounce Man's sprites have some border pixels cut off during certain animations. Walking on a Chill Block after a transition will make you fall through it.


Using Pile Driver on the ground and leaving the ground slightly pushes the player down. Using Charge Kick too close to a ceiling may block the player. Fuse Rails as a floor, similarly to spikes, now have lower priority than solids, not hurting the player if they are only partially touching it. Added a new example level: Magnetic Interference by Objectionable. You cannot move when attached to the Conveyor variant though, so be careful! Jump into this ceiling to stick to it and move around freely. Added the Magnetic Ceiling, as well as On/Off and Conveyor variants.

Megaman sprite game sugarman