If the VR display shows on the monitor, instead of the PSVR, try changing the selected Headset Display, enabling Force Set Display, or switching main display in Windows Display properties. Such window should stay on your monitor, not the PSVR display.

Some VR apps keep their own window (which may need to be active to receive inputs). There should be no application window on the PSVR display, other than the VR view. It will switch Windows main display as a workaround for such red screen issue If that doesn't work, try enabling the Force Set Display option. If you get a red screen, try clicking on it to restore the SteamVR game view. If you have a second monitor, try disconnecting it (keeping only main monitor and PSVR) You can try setting Windows to duplicate/mirror displays or set PSVR display as main. If not, check screen detection in Windows display settings. Windows should detect the PSVR as a second monitor. Use the original (USB and hdmi) cables that came with the PSVR The PSVR Box needs to be connected via hdmi directly to the gpu card (not motherboard hdmi ports).

If SteamVR doesn't detect the headset, try re-installing the Trinus SteamVR driver Don't worry about other PSVR related drivers in the Device Manager showing error, the only relevant one is the PSVR Control one
You can manually re-install the driver by going to the Trinus PSVR install folder and run /ext/InstallDriver.exe.
It should show as PSVR Control in Windows Device Manager>Universal Serial Bus Devices. Make sure the PSVR driver installed correctly. PSVR not detected / black screen / red screen